Tuesday, August 10, 2010

It's Spanish For "I Am Bomb"

So I finally got to spend a whole weekend in my apartment, no obligations to travel or do anything else, for that matter. I got to see some local friends for a change, and the rest of the time I diligently put into practice Chuck Taylor's training regimen, the video of which I put up a couple of posts ago. A great weekend.

It occurred to me that it would be a good opportunity to do some more toe-dipping into the vegan jacuzzi, so I went out and bought a carton of vanilla "Silk" brand soy milk and subbed it for my use of dairy milk all day Saturday. This was not my first experience with vegan milk, mind you. I'd had chocolate almond milk before, and I want to drown in that stuff. But it's more of a rare treat. I use a lot of milk each day and I need something that can properly cover the gap. So, I put the Silk through the three main tests:

1) Coffee. On a day off, I'll drink three cups. If I'm working I'll drink 4-5 (Eventually I will stop being a regular drinker--building up a caffeine tolerance just makes coffee a pointless expenditure, but I need to pick the right time to detox). I like to take it with a fair amount of milk. So I put the usual amount into 3 cups, and damned if they weren't possibly the 3 best cups of coffee I've ever made for myself. Verdict: We're good here.

2) Cereal. No matter what day it is, if I have gone through it having eaten one bowl of cereal, that is below average. I did have the aforementioned chocolate almond milk on cereal, but it was on Cocoa Puffs because I wanted to see if I'd have a stroke (I didn't). These days I favor what Cesspool refers to as "cereal that looks like bark", which is mainly Mueslix and the like (since Claudio Castagnoli has inspired me with all his Swissness, despite being a Bruderschaft schweinhund). I used the Silk on a bowl of Mueslix AND Cheerios. Good on both, better on the Cheerios somehow. I think it's because they are more absorbent. Verdict: A-Ok.

3) Straight Up. I always have some with dinner and also elsewhere in the day, as the opportunity presents and the mood strikes. How's this stuff do on its own? Well, this particular brand was vanilla-flavored, which may account for the almost excessive richness. Usually I'll have a pint glass with dinner, but with this stuff I just filled a highball glass. If you swirled it, it streaked down the sides like brandy. Even though it wasn't even half as much, it seemed exactly the right amount--I just took it in sips rather than gulps. Verdict: Fine, but exploring other options.

I went through a full quart on Saturday. That carton ran something like $2.65. Typically I'll go through a gallon every 2-3 days or so, and those don't even cost $4. So manifests a significant concern for Project UMB--how much more will it cost to eat? Ironic that abstinence may prove more expensive than indulgence. And yet, maybe that's a matter of perspective--perhaps "professional" vegans see it as a privilege well worth the money, thankful to be spared the fate of being a greater pestilence on the world around them. Hmmmmmmmm.

I'm going back to Bethlehem this weekend for Musikfest--that means vegan donuts!

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