Thursday, September 9, 2010

Life On The Road, Kage, Life On The Road

The most important part of prepping for the upcoming switch to veganism (10 days, shit) is the modification of my daily self-prepared meals. However, this was also the easiest part to research, as all it really took was the subbing of milk and pork. I eat string cheese at lunch usually, but I don't mind just dropping that altogether.

I travel often on the weekends, even moreso during the run-up to Halloween what with my birthday and 4 costume parties (and hopefully counting) on 4 weekends. That means that for at least 2 days and nights per week I've got to sustain myself on restaurant and convenience-store food. VERY little of what I get in those situations is vegan. Fortunately, I've found some pretty impressive websites to help me out. Get ready to be bookmarked on my smartphone!

First, there's I Can't Believe It's Vegan, which is part of PETA's website. They have an impressive list of food arranged by category (Dry breakfast, snacks, baked goods, etc.) that is PETA-approved. Is there a vegan authority out there more tight-assed than PETA? Probably not, so I'd say this list seems pretty safe. Thing I love most about it: Fritos are vegan! Me and Howard Hughes are thrilled (oh, he's totally still alive).

Also frigging critical is Vegan Fast Food Options, a continuously-updated post from the blog My Life As A Vegan which lists the vegan options from a very long list of fast-food restaurants.

Most of them involve specially ordering things. Vegan nachos are pretty funny, they require the removal of everything that makes them nachos. Jack Nicholson would have made a great vegan.

I understand that for many vegans, simply giving money to McD and BK is an abhorrent thing, regardless of what's in the food they order, and I can sympathize with that a lot more easily than I can with the honey thing or the procreation thing. Still, I thought it was interesting to mention that the baked apple pies at McDonald's and Burger King, as well as various grocery-store-bought variants, are vegan according to these lists. That calls for a video re-posting! Poor pre-BDK Tim Donst, looks like he was on the path of righteousness after all.

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