I expected veganism to get more difficult within the first month, and after that, it'd be smooth sailing. It's almost been the opposite. Just when I figure I'm safe because I can't even remember what meat tastes like, and I don't even think about pounding almond milk anymore, I drooled uncontrollably through the NFL games last weekend because of the meat present and yesterday in class I stared down a plate of cupcakes (which I normally don't even like that much!) for 8.5 hours. I can do this.
Wanna see a great promo? Here's a great promo. And it's not even against another wrestler. It's against a band, The Deadites, that (I think) is doing the soundtrack for the upcoming game Rudo Resurrection Forever, wherein CHIKARA ant-stable The Colony fights against a zombie army that UltraMantis Black raised to fight the BDK, but turned on him. The Deadites, a group of self-described monster-hunting electronic musicians, are having a Halloween show in Worcester, MA this Saturday, and UltraMantis Black has decided that their influence has grown quite enough.
Ok, now who wants to see some pictures from this past Saturday?
UMB enjoying a Sapporo with Homer Simpson, Peter Griffin, Waldo, Michael McDonald, Kenny Loggins, The Bee, and Frederica Kruger.
UMB looks on in quiet seething anger as Rasputin assists Waldo's shot of Dr. McGillicuddy's Menthol Mint Schnapps with some nice cruelty-tinged choco sauce.
This looks very Voldemort, but that is not a wand. That is a straw that UMB requires to drink his Japanese Temple Tallboys. He was gesturing towards something.
In deep contemplation, pondering whether it is time to get down.
Party #2 is tonight, 150 miles north of my current position. I'm chomping my nails (we've been over this, cannibalism is vegan) in anxiety because the costume was due to arrive in the mail yesterday and is not here yet. CanadaPost claims it was checked into the delivery facility this morning. The daily mail hasn't come to the apartment building yet today. The post office itself is closed. I have one chance.
But I have gotten ahead of the story, which I have been unable to keep this blog updated with. Doing so will keep my mind off the pressure of the situation.
Thank Baphomet For NAFTA If you've seen the many videos and such I have posted and linked here depicting your favorite insectoid luchador and mine, you know that his is a wardrobe that cannot be emulated by a trip to any typical retail establishment, or even an extraordinary retail establishment. The vast majority of the costume requires a custom job. Custom-made clothes. Just like that.
Fortunately, I happen to have an existing working relationship with an entity capable of producing this. I speak of Fae's Fashions, a one-woman operation based in the Toronto area. I first got in touch with "Fae" in 2008, when I had set my heart on rocking the Travis Touchdown persona for Halloween. Observe the subject: Fae was the only one I encountered in my internet searchings that had successfully reproduced Mr. Touchdown's trademark jacket.
I immediately contracted her services, and the jacket was everything I'd hoped it would be. Naturally, then, she was my go-to when this year's goal became apparent.
Oop, the USPS just arrived, with a rather large box from Canada for me. It's time to do this. But before I go, it would be rude of me to not post any gems from Party #1 before leaving for Party #2. Here's a couple.
This past weekend, I went up to New York City. My ostensible purpose was to visit some dear friends and in one weekend, wreak unto that city the combined sundering of the Blackout of 1977, the Trash Strike of 2006, the Draft Riots of 1863, and the Great Fire of 1835. I'd say I managed about 70% of the ruin I was capable of. Clearly I'll have to return soon and finish what I started.
But an only slightly lesser goal was to get a rich sampling of vegan cuisine, and few municipalities would I trust to furnish me with such more than the most tight-assed on the eastern seaboard (or the world?).
After riding a Megabus (I'm not even going to get into what a nightmare that bus line was, both up and back, never ride them) to midtown, and a train to Harlem, I was greeted on the street by a parade of demigoddesses bearing a slice of vegan birthday cake, candles and all. Promptly devoured. Delicious! Not quite Vegan Treats, but hella good.
In the morning, I ate a bagel from H&H Bagel Co, straight up, sitting on a barrier in the middle of 7th Avenue (I think that's what it was). I almost got clipped by a Mini.
Lunch, pita bites and edamame hummus from Trader Joe's. For like 3 bucks. And they said NYC was expensive.
For the big dinner, a pack of us went out to Soy & Sake, a very nice vegan-friendly Japanese restaurant in the Chelsea district of lower Manhattan. I had a vegetarian sushi plate and raced through an excellent martini called a Dirty Samurai (3 soy vodka, organic sake, olive juice). A fitting way to start, since throughout the night's succeeding events, I then proceeded to channel my inner Zatoichi.
In the morning, we went out for brunch at The Sunburnt Calf, a cozy Australian joint in midtown. Surprisingly, they were able to accommodate me with a veggie burger. They also gave us free shots (like four rounds??) while we waited for our table, those Aussies can party! Had to make frequent runs a few doors down to the sports bar to watch the Steelers. I blacked out for a decent long stretch there, which is a shame because apparently I missed a black-and-gold bedecked demi-mantis showing up and drinking my Bloody Marys.
Speaking of, there's been precious little UltraMantis Black up on here since Project UMB kicked into gear. Time to fix that. As CHIKARA moves into the last phase of the season, it has become necessary to update everyone on the many storylines that will be coming to a head. To that end, CHIKARA has released some "Previously On" videos. These are exceptional, and you can see the very obvious love of all things comic-book shining through. UMB figures pretty prominently throughout the first vid, and towards the end of the second (especially the Mussolini-like address at about 5:02).